Sunday, April 22, 2012

Practice Heads & Pencil Sharpeners Now Available!

I'm excited to announce that the Paintertainment shop is now carrying two more Mehron products!

Have you run out of willing models to practice your designs on?  Looking for a way to perfect your designs on a face that won't budge no matter how long you take? You're in luck! We are now carrying Mehron Practice Heads!  For just $36.00 you can have a perfectly still and silent model available 24/7.  Who knows, maybe your current "subject" would even be willing to buy it for you so they can go do something else!

If you're a fan of the Mehron Pro Pencils like I am, you'll be happy to know that we are not carrying the Mehron Pro Pencil Dual Sharpeners for $5.  Each sharpener has two blades, designed to perfectly form a rounded tip with minimal waste.  They even come with a little pick that attaches to the sharpener, for removing debris from the blades.

Stay tuned, folks, as I am in the process of bringing on Wolfe FX as a new vendor on the site!  We'll soon be carrying their highly sought after black and white, as well as an array of other fabulous goodies from their product line.  I'll let you know when I have them available!  Until then, happy painting!

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