Monday, November 28, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

What were you most thankful for this Thanksgiving? I know there are 13 children in Minnesota who were thankful just to have a family this Thanksgiving!

A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of being a part of the Hennepin County Adoption Days event, which I've painted at with my mom for several years. During this year's event 13 kids were adopted into 9 families.  According to their website, Hennepin County has finalized 1,761 adoptions from 2000 to 2009.

What a privilege to be able to take part in such a big day for so many families as they finalize their adoptions! This event is always held right before Thanksgiving, and serves as a timely reminder of what is really important in life.

"There's no place like home"... this was the quote worn by one family who were all coordinated in custom made Wizard of Oz clothing for this year's adoption days!  I had a lot of fun painting these ruby slippers, yellow brick road, and emerald city on the kids' grandmother!

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