Friday, March 31, 2017

Celebration Challenge: March Recap

It's hard to believe I'm nearing my 100th painting already, and am already 1/4th of the way through this 365 day challenge!!  And to top it off, I'm publishing a brand new magazine for face and body artists VERY soon...exciting things are happening this spring at Paintertainment!!

This month produced some of my favorite new hand/arm paintings.  I convinced Sam to let me paint him FOUR times! I also did a few things I've never tried before...a big, freaky, toothy smile, and a celebrity caricature.  No, I'm not the best at painting these things, but that's the beauty of challenges...they make me paint things I'd normally avoid!  It's amazing how quickly the fear of doing something melts away when you just try it.

Each month there are themes I'm really not that excited to paint. I also have times where I really only have a few minutes to paint before my kids get off the bus, and I just have to make myself get it done.  There are also times I rush through a design, and later think of something better I wish I had done.  But I've learned from this experience so far that if you wait until you have the perfect chunk of time, or wait until you have that perfect, willing model, you may never do it.  So take a lesson from Nike and just DO IT, do it NOW while it's in your head.  You can always go back and do it again if you want to do it better. Because if you wait, you may lose the idea, or you just may never try it in the first place! And there are no ideas sadder than those never realized.

Here are just a few of my favorites from the month of March...

"Day of Unplugging"

"Jewel Day"

"Quilting Day"

"Chocolate Caramel Day"

"International Day of Happiness

"Plumbing Day"

"Lips Appreciation Day"

"Crayola Crayon Day"
"Doctors Day"

What will April bring?!  I have no idea but I'm excited to keep going!  Thanks for stopping by, and happy painting!!

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