Wednesday, July 20, 2016

October 2016 JAMvention Workshop: "Realistic Eyes!"

I am thrilled to be teaching a hands-on workshop, "Realistic Eyes," at the JAMvention in Belgium this fall! I will continue to update this post as I receive more information on the convention schedule.

Check out this time lapse video of me painting a realistic eye.  This is what we will cover in my hands-on workshop, only we will slow this down greatly of course!

Together we will break down each component of the human eye, and I will give you practical tips and steps to make each component look as realistic as possible.  I will explain how to make your eyelashes look believable, your iris have depth, and your overall eye look shiny and wet. You will learn to identify and master the most overlooked features, from the shape of the white reflections in the eye, to the complex textures of the iris.

Learning to notice the details and incorporate them together in your artwork will give you the most realistic eyes possible.  Many of the elements we will discuss can be carried over into your animal eye paintings as well!  Prepare for your artwork to stare right back at you! See you at Jamvention!

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