Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Step by Step: 4th of July Bottle Rocket

Hey everyone! I've just uploaded a new step by step video of the design shown above!  This one comes out just in time for your 4th of July gigs. Go easy on me, folks...this is my first attempt to film a step by step so you may see my head in the way once or twice, ha ha!

I've been painting a lot lately but not blogging every time, so here are a few more of my recent paintings if you haven't already been following me on Facebook...

Super quick and fun fireworks!!

Retro bike done by myself on myself!


What else is going on at Paintertainment.com?

New Brushes
We're in the process of swapping out some brushes as Loew-Cornell has decided to discontinue my FAVORITE brushes with acrylic handles and golden taklon bristles. Booohoo!!  They are still making the same brushes with the same bristles, just taking away the acrylic handles and only selling the wood.  So, if you visit our brush section you may notice some of the 7000C series brushes being replaced with 7000 series as they run out.

FREE e-Newsletters
It feels like just last week when our popular and FREE e-newsletter went out last month (and with a coupon code of course!), but amazingly enough, July is just around the corner! Watch your email for your July issue coming within the next week or so! And if you aren't a subscriber yet but would like to be, visit our e-newsletter page to subscribe and download past issues! We never, EVER share your email addresses and don't abuse our email list with spam.

Upcoming Events
I'll be hosting yet another jam next month, so if you live in or around the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota, we'd love to have you join us! Bring your supplies, something from your inspiration file that you'd like to work on, and a dish to share for lunch!  We'll even set up a new/used paint sale/swap as well for anyone looking to unload supplies they no longer use.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Stay tuned as I have another step by step video coming, just around the corner!! Be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube so you don't miss out!


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