Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thinking Warm Thoughts!

Since the huge mega snowstorm started yesterday, I have been trying to cheer myself up by painting some summer-y things!  Here are some photos of my experiments this week!

Beach chair! Wish I were here!

Step by Step beach design
 Beach Tools used:
- Home-made split cake for sunset using Mark Reid Signature Body Brush
- Foam dauber with Wolfe white using a BAM stencil for waves
- TAG one-stroke Ocean for the chair canvas
- Wolfe Black and White

Pinwheel tools used:
- No 12 TAG one-stroke brush and TAG Rainbow one-stroke cake
- Wolfe Black and White for all linework
- 5mm round acrylic rhinestone in the center, attached with spirit gum

one stroke face painting book

Want to learn more about how to use One Stroke makeup? Be sure to check out my book, "One Stroke Face Painting, which you can purchase here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emerald! Sure, I'm happy to be pinned with proper credit/links! Pin away! :-)
