Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Chapstick Sushi: Empty Tubes Now Available!

Sounds fun, doesn't it?!  When I was searching the web for sushi cake tutorials, I stumbled upon yet another awesome video by the most-incredible Denise Cold.  I think it is safe to say that Denise "invented" the Chapstick sushi!  What a fabulous idea.  If you haven't seen these, basically you create a long, skinny sushi cake and then slide it into a chapstick container.  Then, you are able to use the paint itself as the applicator to create small, round imprints for things like bubbles, gems, etc, without the need for a dauber or brush.  Just pop the cap off, mist with water, and press against the skin! No messy sponges to clean afterward.  I think the idea is ingenious. 

Rather than just hogging the fun to myself, I took the liberty of placing a large order of these empty chapstick containers to make available to YOU in my shop for just $1.00 each!!  So stop on by the shop to pick up your Chapstick tubes, and be sure to check out Denise's great video for a step-by-step tutorial on how to make them.  Here are a few photos of my first attempt....I think it'll take a few tries to really get the size and method down, but these still turned out great!

Paints ready to combine for a red gemstone chapstick sushi cake

Paints combined
 (next you spear it with a toothpick or bamboo skewer, and freeze until it hardens enough to put in the tube)

I don't think I let mine freeze long enough, but eventually got it all in there.

Compressing the paint as I turn up the base

The finished chapstick sushi

Just mist...


...and you have some cool red gems! Maybe I'll try adding gold around the edges like I did in my red gem sushi cake.
My "bubble" chapstick sushi
I used my paint pens to label the containers!

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