Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Carver County Fair 2016 Recap

This year was my 19th year painting at county fairs...my 4th year at Carver County Fair in Waconia!  I really love this fair.  It's the only fair I do all year, and is my "home" fair, just 20-25 minutes from home.  My boys enter their artwork in the fair every year, and I spend my one afternoon off taking them to visit the fair while Grandma paints at my booth!  I've been working at this fair long enough now to recognize many faces who come back every year to get painted, and enjoy seeing so many of my friends who visit the fair every year!

This year was another good year at the fair. I had some fun with my GoPro camera, filming myself painting and the crowds flowing through on my busiest day: Saturday! Check it out below or here on YouTube!

Here are a few photos!

The Booth all set up and ready to go!

new cabinet for 2016!

I found this great cabinet on Craigslist just days before the fair for $100. It is a food serving station, but worked perfect for my booth! The larger surface was great for my growing paint kit, and built in light fixture was awesome.  The casters were a huge help as well.  I did have to put another $60 or so into it replacing the light bulbs, ballast, and lock, but am really happy with the end result! 

My paints set up on the countertop

I also got a new banner this year...ordered at the last minute as I was waiting for Vistaprint's 40% off sale! But, it did arrive in time for the 2nd day of the fair!

Invisible glove is my friend at the fair! Fair week has always left me with hands that are stained for a week after. This stuff works great...you just have to remember to put a little more on after you wash your hands, which I do constantly with wipes! Find it in the shop, here!

I always love painting my arms up big for the fair. It was busy enough I didn't have a chance to do this every day, but here's what I did on myself this year:

My photo prop boards are always a big hit with the kids at the fair! I keep them piled on the lower "shelf" of my painting chair. You can get your own via my site here. Here are a few pics...

 I love seeing all of my friends who visit me at the fair! My favorite people of all are of course my husband and boys...
Love seeing this face peek over my shoulder during the fair!

cheese curd break with Toby!

Here are a few photos of paintings from the week...

My mom is always a big help at the fair!!  When I started working full time as a designer, she helped me keep my booth by working weekdays while I came at night and on weekends.  When I left my corporate gig and started having babies, she helped me with some of the days so my husband didn't have to take off work.  She worked Thursday until 7 pm, giving me a chance to catch up on other work and actually attend the fair with my boys! (yes, I spend my slice of time off visiting the fair, haha!)  12 hour days do a number on you after a while so it's nice to get a little break in there!

My boys visiting Grandma in the booth!
Here are some paintings that my mom did...

paintings by Rollie Brandt
I always have my faithful trio of strong men to help tear down the booth on the last day of the fair...

...thanks again for another amazing year, Carver County! Hope to see you in 2017! :-)

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