Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Happy Cow Appreciation Day!

Yes, indeed folks, today is cow appreciation day!! So, naturally, I had to paint cows on my boys.  They picked the designs they liked from my sketchbook.

The addition of teeth, braces, and a toothbrush were a last minute crazy idea I had, but it made Sam laugh so I did it! Silver liquid bling made for some really awesome braces!

Toby wanted brown spots on his cow, "Cuz brown cows make chocolate milk, Mom!"

Here are a few of the other designs I've done lately, if you haven't been keeping up with me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram (paintertainmentdotcom) lately....

Paw Patrol

Marshall from Paw Patrol
My boys on the 4th of July
Max from "Secret Life of Pets"
Snowball from Secret Life of Pets
Have you checked out our custom word menu design service lately?  If not, you should! We've recently added more patriotic themed designs, great for 4th of July (well, next year anyway!) and Memorial Day! I've also just created a new word art for "Emoticon!

Word menus are a great way to give yourself flexibility with level of detail, as well as allow creative freedom when working with multiple artists.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and happy painting!!

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