Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Contest entry: "Be Sure an' tell 'em Large Marge sent 'ya!"

When I was little my siblings and I loved watching Pee Wee's Playhouse, and to this day have just about every word of the movie Pee Wee's Big Adventure memorized!!  So when I went searching for inspiration for Illusion's latest Tim Burton inspired contest and found out that Tim Burton had actually directed this movie, I just had to enter a painting of Large Marge!

Large Marge was perhaps the most terrifying person I could imagine at the time as a kid, and I'm sure she probably instilled a healthy fear of hitchhiking into me at a young age.  Watch this short clip to see who I'm talking about...

So, while I'm not the type to paint scary things, I find Large Marge to be both scary and hilarious at the same time, and wanted to give her a go for this month's competition!  :-)

Ha ha...hopefully I don't give you claymation nightmares now! ;-)  Thanks for stopping by, and "be sure an' tell 'em, Large Marge sent 'ya! Aaahahahahahaaa!!!"

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