Saturday, October 13, 2012

Now Booking Halloween Sessions!

Halloween is just two and a half weeks away!  What?!  You've been invited to a party and you don't have a costume yet?!

It's okay! Don't cry!  A professionally done makeup job can turn your last minute costume idea into the hit of the party!  You may remember one of my posts last year, where I painted Father Frost and Mother Frost...they ended up taking home the GRAND prize in the costume contest they were entering!

I am currently booking a limited number of private Halloween sessions this season at my home in Mound, Minnesota.  Sessions start at $20 for up to 15 minutes of painting.  The amount of time required depends on the design you choose, but we can go as simple as a cat face or eye design, to more complex designs like a mask, to full-face designs like this comic girl that I painted on myself.  Check out this previous post for ideas of what costumes face paint would be perfect for!

Contact me today to discuss how we can help turn heads with YOUR costume this year!  Email me at Gretchen[at]Paintertainment[dot]com.  Be sure to check out my Halloween page and my private session page for more photos!

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