Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fun with BAM Stencil #1010: Palm Leaf!

Here's A little step-by-step for you that uses the BAM stencil #1010, available in the BAM Complete Set.  I actually did this as an entry in the Face Paint Forum's BAM stencil contest...you can check out the contest details here!  The thought here was to create a mask that looks like a tiger peeking through the jungle foliage. 

This was my first try entering one of their contests, and my first attempt at using this stencil.  I made it up as I went along, and always have such a hard time painting on myself, backwards in the mirror, with my glasses off. (I'm SO super blind).  But, I hope to come up with some better entries before the contest is up...you can enter up to 3 times!  :-)

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