Sunday, October 30, 2011

Private Session: Father Frost & Mother Frost

I had the pleasure of painting "Father Frost" and "Mother Frost" on their way to a Halloween costume party last night!

Working on Mother Frost

For "Mother Frost" I used a mix of the regular Aquacolor paints (white & blues), and interferenz paints.  I used a little snowflake stencil which was pretty slick, and had fun adding details with a bottle of Mehron white Detailz paint and some Amerikan Body Art Liquid Bling in silver. She brought her own sparkly blue eyelashes which were very cool, and also put on some pretty blue & aqua eyeshadow and lips!

 For "Father Frost" I first covered his face and head in a base coat of Interferenz Silver mixed with a little bit of Aquacolor white, which gave him that frosty, pale look with some shimmer.  Then I used more interferenz blues around his eyes to add some drama with the frosty cracks and icicles around his eyes.  Aquacolor white made a nice snowflake on his cheek, but I added some blue around it to make it really pop!  The blue sparkly dots done with Amerikan Body Art Liquid Bling really added a lot when the light hit it as well! I also brushed a little interferenz blue in his beard too which worked well.  I'm kicking myself because I forgot to spritz his beard with a little Glitter Spray!  But, it all came out looking pretty cool! (pardon the pun!)

I have the joy of painting at Christmas parties each year for "Father Frost" when he plays Santa Carlucci.  "Mother Frost" plays a great "Cheryl Claus" at Christmas time and also made their incredible costumes.  Turns out they ended up winning first place in the costume contest at the party they attended, which was very cool and well earned as they put so much time and attention to detail into their costumes! Congrats, "Father & Mother Frost!"

1 comment:

  1. I was the lucky Father Frost that Gretchen so skillfully painted for our 2011 Halloween Costume contest. She did a great job making me scary and believeable while matching my outfit and accessories. I would recommend Gretchen to anyone that is going to a costume party, she helped me win 1st place in the contest. Great job Gretchen.
