Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two of My Favorite Summer "Gigs!"

Now that things are barely settling down a bit, I thought I'd post some photos from a couple of my favorite annual gigs that were last week!

 My mom and I have been doing this outdoor concert together for the past few years at the Village at Mendota Heights. So far we've always lucked out with great weather!  There's a cute grassy "square" outside where all the families gather to listen to children's entertainment.  This year there was even a petting zoo!

a few happy customers!

My mom painting
 Then the next day I painted at another one of my favorite events to work at...the fall kickoff party at Virtuosos Music Academy in Plymouth! The past few years they've been including some of the other neighboring businesses and the event grows every year.  It is free and open to the public with wonderful live music by the students, karate demonstrations from the nearby karate school, and this year they even had free Starbucks, and some professional stylists from The Style Room styling and spraying kids' hair fun colors!
some musicians performing from the music school

I had just a few minutes to paint my own arm when I started! I love doing the music related designs at this event.

My little portable face painting setup.  It all folds up and fits in the back of my VW Beetle!

A little father son arm painting!

There was a rush of "eye swirls" after everyone saw this one! I love how it matched her earrings!
It was a busy end to a busy summer, and I still have more events to paint at this September.  Business is booming and I've been having a lot of fun!  Before we know it I'll be posting photos of Christmas gigs with Santa...gotta enjoy these summer days as long as we can!

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