Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First "Hand Design" at the Fair!

The 2011 Dakota County Fair is in full swing!!  Rollie Brandt kicked off Paintertainment's 14th year yesterday in our booth just inside Exhibit Hall South (aka "Building 22").  This year we have a whole new selection of full-face designs, as well as some really fun hand designs!  We haven't done any full face designs yet, but will post when we do...here's one fun hand design that Rollie did yesterday: a horse!  The initials are from this horse's name.  These hand designs are super fun for kids as they can turn them into little puppets and make them talk.
Rollie will be out there at the booth all day today, and Gretchen will be painting tomorrow.  Come on out to the fair and see us...I don't think the weather has been more perfect in my 14 years at the fair!

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